Thrift Shop
Saturdays 10-12PM
Upcoming dates: April 6th
Join our happy group of volunteers to help us sort, set up, sell, and breakdown shop. Our success is largely due to the hard work of our devoted staff. We may be small in number but we love what we do and we are proud that we can make a difference in the lives of our church and the community. We are always in need of more volunteers to help run our thrift shop.
Our success depends largely on the donations we receive on a regular basis from the community and our parishioners. We thank all of you for your generosity. We are looking forward, with God’s grace and guidance, to an even more successful in the upcoming year. Donations can be made at the donation shed outside the church in the parking lot. Please note there are times donations are not accepted due to our staff reviewing and sorting. Please see the banner on the donation bin or you may call the church office @ 718- 767-6305 to make sure donations are being accepted at that time.
All clothing in very good to new condition accepted. We cannot accept baby furniture or old electronics (tube TVs, computer monitors).Please absolutely no books, medical equipment, children's toys (or clothes at this time) or electronic donations. We have limited space and volunteers to sort.
Our outreach efforts continue to help many people outside our church family. We also pass some donations, on a regular basis to
Bridge to Life
Vietnam Veterans
United War Veterans Council
Lupus Foundation
Whitestone Animal Hospital
New York Cares Coat Drive
Queens Common Cause
St. Mary's Church
We Love Whitestone Civic Association
Dress for Success
Winnie Speyer